
“Art is a discipline that activates and refines the human consciousness”. Claudia Madrazo

Art, as manifestation of expression, has allowed human beings to think carefully, to reflect and to understand each other. Art brings together knowledge, ideas, emotions and experiences that, when they become artistic objects, give us as spectators the opportunity to come into contact with such richness, to feel it, interpret it, and understand it. This means that pieces of art become complete when us spectators observe them; when we connect with them and –stimulated by its expressive force- activate our own capacity to feel, think and create.

Art, as a discipline that activates consciousness and unlocks our human potential, enables our capacity to observe, direct and transform thoughts, emotions and human behaviors in order to manifest new possibilities of being with Self, others and Nature.

Claudia Madrazo considers culture as an expression of this active consciousness, a manifestation of internal and external human realities. Culture reveals itself, in tangible and intangible forms, as a small window through which we glance into dimensions of time, social contexts, ideologies, possibilities and techniques.

The institutions and initiatives dedicated to Art & Cultre that Claudia Madrazo has founded and supported, intervene by mobilizing the ways of seeing, understanding, molding, interpreting and transforming reality.

Fundación TAE® (Transformation, Art and Education) is a non-profit organization formed by artists, educators and professionals committed to supporting education and art transformation.

Transforming Education: TAE seeks to construct and convene a network of actively engaged individuals and civil society organizations to lay a foundation of shared learnings and actions to accelerate the transformation of Education.

Transforming Art: TAE promotes and supports experimental artistic production and research, and seeks to explore the boundaries of the artistic experience and its integration into daily life within different socio-cultural contexts.